When Webs-a-gogo was conceived in late 2004, we decided that what the web needed was simplicity for the average web user. We could see that the web and the number of people using it was growing at an unprecedented rate. We could also see that the needs most folks had with respect to information and communication were evolving. Being an Internet Service Provider (ISP), NetLine America, our parent company, was already helping thousands of people in Georgia find their way onto the web. As a result of our experience, we realized the need for services which would bring the "out there" technology into the hands of the lay-person. The dream was simply to create an environment where folks could have their own piece of the Internet. A place they could call their Home-On-The-Web.

We realized that soon businesses and individuals would begin using the power of the web to communicate and show their stuff. Whether it be for meeting and greeting, building their business, or enlightening the rest of us with highly sought after information. We could see it coming. And fast. We saw a distinct pattern of folks looking to the web for the purpose of reaching the public with their message or product. In doing so, we saw them seeking
Domain Names to get their start. The biggest problem at that time at least, seemed to be that there were few companies and individuals who could create a dynamic and powerful website. Those who could charged literally thousands of dollars for even a basic site. With so many people asking us to help them get on the web, our mission became clearer and clearer. Since there were already plenty of domain sales companies on the web such as Network Solutions, Register, Go Daddy and others, we decided to take as lightly different approach. So, instead of selling domain names, we would sell websites. After all, a domain name by itself is pretty much useless without web pages behind it to tell our clients story.

So in the summer of 2005, we embarked upon the odyssey of Webs-a-gogo. We drew upon all our experience of practical application and the simplicity our customers wanted and needed to begin building what has become the Webs-a-gogo Website Module, or what we affectionately dubbed...the
WAG-MOD. This web-based software is built on Windows server technology using ASP for server side scripting together with good ole HTML. Of course there is allot of Javascript, some PHP and other goodies we've added along the way to help insure a robust and fast moving system of tools. The WAG-MOD utilizes MS-SQL database technology so that all data, (content) in the site, is stored in the database and used in multiple places of the site as needed. One one time entry approach is designed to not only simplify the users experience, but maximize keyword usage and Search Engine indexing by the good folks at Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and others.

The WAG-MOD is a collection of over 100,000 lines of code with one primary purpose in mind. " Bring a high profile website that is easy to use". And we did it. We believe that no matter how cool, slick, hi-tech or innovative a website is, if it is hard to browse, manage and edit then the chances of success for the client is greatly reduced. We think a website should be a series of exciting moments, months and years for our clients as they discover new and innovative ways to bring their light to the market. Not agonizing, torturous technobabbling sessions leading to the loss of our time, vision, enthusiasm, natural hair color...and our hair. We realize that their are technical savvy web folk like us, and then there are Doctors, Lawyers, Doctors, Plumbers, Electricians, Salespeople, Politicians, School Teachers, Police, Construction Workers, Chefs, Real Estate Brokers and Agents and many, many other professionals who are NOT are involved with internet tech. So what are the options for the non-technical. Learn how, or hire somebody who is web-tech oriented to do it for them. And so that brings us to our vision and mission. We are the hybrid of that scenario. We have done all the hi-tech babbling, programming and otherwise what you may call boring stuff behind the scenes in order to offer you, our presumed non-tech client, an easy to use website module (a tool) that will allow you to be you, but still get your special information on your website without a formal education, expensive programs, R-rated expletives or hair loss. And we have many
website designs, and features to prove it. In fact, we've spent four years making what we and
many others believe is the most powerful, robust, all-inclusive and dare we say BEST website tools available today at any price. Just a few minutes working with the Websagogo Site Module will convince you that
You Can Webs-a-gogo!

Our WAG-MOD utilizes simple form fields for entering data to your website. Thats' right...four years to create our magical "fill in the blank technology". Simple huh? Yes is it! And we're all about
showing you how easy it is to Webs-a-gogo. We have even created an Online Training System (
OTS) just for you! With our browse and select image uploading, our Control Center with icons to manage all aspects of your website, our constant Tech Support, Helps, FAQs, Tutorials and Knowledge base, we're certain not only will you be able to create a great web presence, but you will enjoy the process. But offering an easy to use website interface and tools is not where it stops. We also offer something most others do not. That's right...live people. Walking, talking human beings (well, sitting mostly) ..people. Yes we've got people, not just servers. Able to "speak" with you on this thing we still call a "telephone". This is so we can actually offer real and valuable assistance designed to actually help our clients. This is one of our brighter ideas. We figure that sometimes, not always...but sometimes, it is better to talk with another person to gain understanding and support about what you need. And while our humans are very busy being friendly, helpful and always eager to get successful results for you, you may actually find yourself more wrapped up in our video tutorials. These are short movies with pictures and spoken word designed to shed the light on how stuff works (You know... watch us click and type through the website module screens as we explain along the way). And we've got allot of them. Our goal is to have one for every question. But more important, is for the Webs-a-gogo site module to be easy to use and have a logic which is easy to understand without allot of instruction. Believe it or not, my 10 year daughter can do it. Even though she is smarter than me, she is still only 10 and is capable of understanding and using the module without intensive training or instruction.

When you combine the love we have for creating new and innovative techniques for bringing you success to the web, together with the Webs-a-gogo website module, WAG-MOD we are offering, what you have is a
successful website. For years we have created a market niche for ourselves in offering plain talk solutions in a high tech environment. Providing answers and a positive outcome to what might otherwise be a difficult and expensive long haul experience for tech users. And here we are again bringing our simple, straight forward approach to another product that not only breaks down the barriers of tech, but also provides an affordable and powerful solution for bringing your stuff to the web. We have packed everything we could think of into the Webs-a-gogo Website Module. Some of it you may never use, other parts you'll use everyday. But it's all there when you need it, and so are we. At Webs-a-gogo you will find you really do
have a PAL on the web. Someone to help you with the difficult questions and provide you with tools and solutions not found anywhere else. So when we say we are competitive when it comes to service and pricing, what we mean is that we would be if we had competition offering what we do. Once you see what all we offer in one package (WAG-PAC) and the low price we charge for it, you'll be a new customer at Webs-a-gogo. So come on in and look around, shoot us an email or use that telephone. Either way, we look forward to adding your project to our long list of
successes. We look forward to adding you to our list of friends.