Support Home Page
The Webs-a-gogo Online Training & Support System
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This is where you can start getting answers to your questions or solutions for problems! At Webs-a-gogo, we don't believe in letting issues lay around unsolved. In fact, we have found that our customers appreciate us a great deal more when we respond fast to their needs. Never mind that we have the best product and value. If you don't know what to do with it, what then...what good is it? Exactly! So, we have created a Multi-Tier Support System to quickly handle any support issues you may have. At Webs-a-gogo, common sense rules. Since we embrace the motto..Your Success = Our Success, we strive to offer thorough and fast support by offering multiple resources for getting the answers you need.
When you contact us, your Personal Web Specialist, or WEB-PAL will usually lead you to the answer in our help system in order to empower you for the future. This is done by . The support tools most often used are:
Our Online Training and Support System or (OTS): This system consists of four primary methods all networked together for maximum cross reference relevancy and streamlined ease of use. Our idea is simple, offer you an online method for getting the answers you need fast. If you are not in to reading, then the video tutorials are for you. Our goal is to have a video tutorial for every single help file covering everything someone may ask. See below for our OTS systems. - FAQs - Help Files - Knowledge-Base - Tutorial Videos
Support Action Request (SAR) Form: What we call our SAR-Form, this is our support request ticket or support request form. By using this resource, your entire support request is recorded and tracked by our 3-Tier support staff constantly until you have your issue answered to your satisfaction. Click here for the Support Action Request Form.
Chat: We offer online chat for providing you help and training support. We can quickly answer your needs using a chat session and provide you with strong documentation to answer you questions. This also can be faster than a phone call since chat will jet you past the telephone system and the "on-hold que".
Telephone Support: Yes we have real people from Georgia ready, willing and able to answer your support needs over the phone. While we do try to encourage our customers to use our robust and detailed OTS (Online Training and Support) System, we are provide free phone support. We save money when you are able to use our online resources so we try hard to make it easy to get your answers using our OTS. But when that fails, just pick up the phone and call 478-274-0024!