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FAQ at Staff Only. Thank You! "Support Tier System"
Category: Support Methods
Help Details - Webs-a-gogo Online Training System (OTS)

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Help Category: Support Methods   |    Help ItemNo:  0318101143
Help Details: Support Tier System
Level-1: The Front Line. 1st one to speak with the customer. Supports Levels 2 & 3
Initial level of Web-Support responsible for handling basic/common customer issues, questions and solutions.

1. Understanding: The first job of a Tier I Support Specialist is to understand their issue and the importance of their need.  This will provide valuable insight to a solution, which, can gain our customer's confidence and lead to customer loyalty. 
2. Troubleshooting: Gather the customer’s information to determine the problem/issue. Analyzing the symptoms,
figure out the underlying problem and determine a proper course of action.
3. Solution or Refer: Provide a solution or send up to next tier. Provide log of actions.
4. Future: Empower the customer for future support issues.  Guide the client through the Webs-a-gogo OTS-Support Files with instruction for future use.
Level 2: Higher level of Technical Knowledge & Experience. Supports Levels 1 & 3
• Responsible for handling elevated & specialized issues.
• Reviews Level 1 status & history.
• Provides solutions as able either directly to customer and to the Level 1 tech.
• Time management is a key factor. By now as much as 24 hours have passed since Customer requested assistance. Provide a rapid solution to the client, who, in some cases are at a dead stop with their work while waiting on an answer from us.

1. Understanding: Review the Support Request. Review Tier-1 troubleshooting & analysis. As necessary contact the customer.
2. Troubleshooting: Determine a course of action for a solution. Provide log of actions.
3. When Solving: Contact Directly. Educate Tier-1 and the customer. Record actions to prevent/reduce repeated needs under this issue.
4. When Referring: Refer up to next Tier 3 for solution. Maintain chain of support integrity from Tier 1 to 3 with accurate support logs & analysis
5. Future: Empower Tier 1 and Customer for future support issues.  Where applicable, guide Tier 1 and the Client through the Webs-a-gogo OTS-Support Files with instruction for future use.
Level 3: Highest level of Technical Knowledge & Experience with Specialty. Supports Levels 1 & 2
• Responsible for handling specialized issues with similar duties as Tier 2.
• Quality and Time management are key factors.  By now as much as 48 hours have passed since Customer requested assistance.  If the client comes this far up the support chain, it is serious enough to keep from occurring again. Fix it for this customer, and for everyone after.

1. Reviews Level 1 & 2 status & history for efficient solution research & development.
2. Provides solutions for highest level technical issues to Tier-2 directly. Tier 3 is intended for backend communication only.  Direct customer contact is rare. For time management concerns, Tier 3 is insulated from direct Customer contact unless Tier 3 tech needs to contact customer for clarity
or additional information.  Otherwise Tier 3 tech will pass on info and solution to Tier 2 for action with customer.
4. Maintains accurate and detailed logs of troubleshooting & analysis.
5. Provides education to Tiers 1 & 2 regarding issues and solutions.
6. Make solution available for future use in Knowledgebase. Assists in determining issues for entry into the OTS (Tutorials, FAQs & Helps).
7. This Tier is also responsible for gaining top level support from ouside vendors.
Last Modified:
3/30/2010     Date Entered 3/18/2010

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• Help File Reference
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• Tech Support