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FAQ at Staff Only. Thank You! "FTP File Path"
Category: FTP Usage
Help Details - Webs-a-gogo Online Training System (OTS)

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Help Category: FTP Usage   |    Help ItemNo:  1209091302
Help Details: FTP File Path
FTP Root File Path: /Files/Filename

FTP files are those files you uploaded using the FTP function that comes with your website. All files you upload in FTP are put into the folder named "Files" which lives on the root of your website. The right slash at the beginning of the path indicates the root of the web folder. The "root" of your site, just means the main directory level.  Of course, you have the ability to create other folders within the "Files" directory to help you keep your files organized.
Example: You have a folder called My Documents. Inside that folder, you have another folder named My Pictures. So we would say that the folder/directory My Pictures lives on the root of My Documents. In your website there is a folder named /files, which lives on the root of your site's main directory. Its path looks like this:


FTP Links:
Since your FTP files live in the /files folder, you would type in this path for all references regarding files living on the root of your FTP folder.  If you uploaded a file named Welcome.pdf into your FTP folder, to link to it you type in the path:

 Let's say you create a directory (folder) in your FTP folder named Images and then upload the file birthday.jpg into it.   To link to it you type in the path:
Last Modified:
     Date Entered 12/9/2009

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