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FAQ at Staff Only. Thank You! "Using Your Mail List"
Category: Email Manage
Help Details - Webs-a-gogo Online Training System (OTS)

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Help Category: Email Manage   |    Help ItemNo:  1014091508
Help Details: Using Your Mail List
From the webmail interface log in to the list owner's email account.  NOTE:  Emails to a list may only be sent from the list owner's email account. 
From the webmail mailbox click the New link to compose a new message.
On the New Message page enter the necessary List information as shown into the addressing fields.

(1)  TO:  Enter the List Address in the TO... line. Example: If your list is named Clients, then enter this:
(2) SUBJECT:  In the Subject Line, you must first enter the password you assigned for the list when you created it surrounded by characters [:   :] 
     These are a
square bracket, colon, password, colon, square bracket. Example: [:password:].  Then, enter the regular Subject of the email. DO NOT USE A LEADING SPACE AFTER THE PASSWORD.
(3)  BODY: Enter the body of the email as normal with any text formatting and pics you like.  NOTE:  While this example is done by using your web-based email, you can also send messages to your list using a Mail Client such as Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook.  This way, you can create more colorful and better designed emails using programs like Word or Word Perfect , or any other word processor.
(4)  Click the Send button
This is a sample of what the list recipient sees:
(1) The From: block contains the list owner's info.
(2) The To: block contains the list email address.
Every member on the list receives the same message.
Last Modified:
10/19/2009     Date Entered 10/14/2009

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