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Thanks for linking to Webs-a-gogo
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In order to link to Webs-a-gogo, use one of the following methods:

1. Copy/Paste the URL below into an email to a friend or a text field in a form, etc.

2. Copy/Paste the code in the box below into an HTML editor with access to your web files.

3. Copy/Paste the code in the box below into an HTML editor or web interface that permits editing the HTML on your website or site you are managing (Such as the Webs-a-gogo Module Site WAG-MOD).

4. For code editing it is necessary to be able to edit your web file's HTML code.

URL: Webs-a-gogo Main Site

HTML Code: link to Webs-a-gogo

(copy and paste contents of box below into your HTML document code)

<a href="" target="_blank" title="Click here to getcher Website, Domain Name and Hosting at Webs-a-gogo"></a>