"File Paths" Category: WAG HTML Editor Help Details - Webs-a-gogo Online Training System (OTS)
Help Category: WAG HTML Editor |
Help ItemNo: 1210091620
Help Details: File Paths
A file path is simply an address. It is a direction given to your computer to find a file. These files can reside on your computer, on another computer accessible across a local network or on another computer accessible through the world wide web.
For instance, http://www.webs-a-gogo.com is a file path. It is a path relative to the world wide web and is the file path you type into the address bar of your web browser to get to this site. Another example is a picture named daisy.jpg residing in a folder called My Pictures that is in another folder called My Documents on the C: drive of your home computer. The path to that file is C:/My Documents/My Pictures/daisy.jpg. Another example is a file inside your website's FTP folder. The FTP folder in your site is named Files, therefore the file path to it is http://www.yourdomainname/Files. If you had a file named mydomains.txt in your FTP folder then the file path to it would be http://www.yourdomainname/Files/mydomains.txt.
You can find the file path to almost any web page or image on a web page by right-clicking on the page (or image) and then selecting Properties in the resulting context menu.
The file path is displayed in the Address: line of the Properties Dialog Box.