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FAQ at Staff Only. Thank You! "Module URLs"
Category: Links Management
Help Details - Webs-a-gogo Online Training System (OTS)

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Help Category: Links Management   |    Help ItemNo:  1026091323
Help Details: Module URLs

To link to:

A Press Article Page: /Catalog/Presshome.asp?ArticleName=Home
NOTE: of course you will want to be sure to get the ArticleName correct. We used the Home article here as an example. If you wanted to link to a press article named About Us, then your URL would look like this: /Catalog/Presshome.asp?ArticleName=About Us

Catalog Item: /Catalog/Manage/ProdDetail.asp?ID=55555
NOTE: of course you will want to be sure to get the ID for your particular Catalog Item correct. We used a random number here. To find out the ID for your Catalog Item look in the upper right hand corner of the Product Detail page. It is usually a 5 or 6 digit number. If your ID was 55555, then your link would look like: /Catalog/Manage/ProdDetail.asp?ID=55555

Catalog Item List View: /Catalog/Manage/ProductsList.asp

Catalog Item Normal View:

Contact Form Page: /Catalog/ContactForm.asp

Contact Form Staff Page: /Catalog/ContactFormStf.asp?Name=Employee Name

Calendar: /Calendar/Calendar.asp?Name=Calendar Name

Blog: /Catalog/BlogViewer.asp?BlogName=Blog Name

Helpful Links Page:/Catalog/Links.asp

Guestbook: /Catalog/Guestbook.asp

Photo Album: /Album/PicSlideShow.asp

Legal Pubs: /Catalog/PubRec.asp

Photo Album: /Catalog/Rhinos_Guide_Restaurant_Scores.asp

FTP File: /Files/Welcome.pdf

FTP files are those files you uploaded using the FTP function that comes with your website. All files you upload in FTP are put into the folder named "Files" which lives on the root of your website. The right slash at the beginning of the path indicates the root of the web folder. The "root" of your site, just means the main directory level.
Example: You have a folder called My Documents. Inside that folder, you have another folder named My Pictures. So we would say that the folder/directory My Pictures lives on the root of My Documents. In your website there is a folder named /files, which llives on the root of your sites main directory. Its path looks like this:


FTP Links:
Since your FTP files live in the/files folder, you would type in this path for all references regarding files living in your FTP folder. We uploaded a file named Welcome.pdf into our FTP folder. To link to it we typed in the path:


External Links In:

Need to link from somewhere outside your site to a specific page inside your site? You can open a specific page in the center stage frame of your site.
It is a simple URL, or web address which uses a 3 part system. And it is easy!

The first part is always the same, It's your regular website address
Note: We are using Websagogo for our example:

The second part is always the same too: It tells the web browser that we're about to specify a page to open up in the center stage portion of your website.

The third part is what changes depending on where you want to link to. This is when you will begin using the link examples shown above.
When you put it all together, it will look like the example below. Click it to see it in action.

Creating Hyperlinks in a Press Article Memo field:

NOTE: When you click the Hyperlink button Create a Hyperlink to another page on the toolbar at the top of Memo1, Memo2, Memo3 and Memo4 a dialogue box will open as shown below in figure 1.

Figure 1:
Create a Hyperlink to another page

1. Source: First type in the Source: If your destination URL is for a Press Article such as this example, type in what you see in figure 1 changing the red part to the correct Press Article name.

2. Target: One or the other.
A. If you want the destination URL to open in the center window, known as the center frame or STAGE (The window you are in now), then type in the word detail
as shown above. Either this one or dropdown such as _blank, not both.
B. Choose from the dropdown provided to choose another target such as _blank (will open in a new window). Either this one or detail, not both.

3. Title: Short description which will appear on MouseOver to let the visitor know what to expect on the target page. This is also inportant for SEO, search engine optimization.

Last Modified:
12/22/2009     Date Entered 10/26/2009

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