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FAQ at Staff Only. Thank You! "Staff/Employee/User Management"
Category: Staff Manage
Help Details - Webs-a-gogo Online Training System (OTS)

Dept:      Category:  
Help Category: Staff Manage   |    Help ItemNo:  021309441
Help Details: Staff/Employee/User Management

Begin by accessing the Control Center then finding and clicking the Staff/Employee & User Edit icon.
You will then see the Staff/User Edit page
To add a new employee/staff member/user:
(1) Begin by entering the person's first and last names in the Name (POC) field.
(2) Enter the Username
(3) Enter a password. NOTE: The password field is controlled by a password strength checker which will not allow any but the strongest passwords. The InfoPop button next to the field explains the requirements for strong passwords.
(4) If this person is the website's primary point of contact, check the Primary Website POC box.
(5) Enter the person's email address (optional)
(6) Enter the person's home or work phone number (optional)
(7) Enter the person's cell phone number (optional)
(8) Enter the person's cellular text address, i.e (optional)
(9) Enter a description of what the person's duties are, etc.
If the person is to have any administrative rights, check the appropriate radio button:
(1) Admin allows Total Website Access
(2) Catalog Keeper allows access to the management areas of your online catalog. This permission lets users add/edit and delete departments, categories, labels and products to your catalog.
(3) Calendar Keeper allows access to the management area of your online calendar. This permission lets users add/edit and delete calendars and events for those calendars.
(4) Album Keeper allows access to the management areas of your online photo album. This permission lets users add/edit and delete pictures from the album.
(5) Blog Keeper allows access to the management areas of your Blog. This permission lets users add/edit and delete blogs and entries to those blogs.
(6) Press Keeper allows access to the management areas of your Press Articles. This permission lets users add/edit and delete Press Articles in your website.
You can upload a picture of this person if you desire.
In addition to ADDING staff members you can MODIFY the properties of their profiles. At the top of the Staff/User Edit page select the name of the person you want to modify. The click the Submit button.
Then simply modify any data that needs it and click the Modify it button.
If you want to entirely delete the person from the Staff/User list, click the Delete User button at the bottom of the page.

Last Modified:
12/17/2009     Date Entered 2/13/2009

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